miércoles, 6 de julio de 2022


 Puede ser una imagen de 1 persona y texto que dice "Professional FRAMEWORKS APLICADOOS A LA FORENSIA INFORMATICA"

--> Autopsy - SleuthKit GUI
--> dff - Forensic framework
--> dexter - Dexter is a forensics acquisition framework designed to be extensible and secure.
--> hashlookup-forensic-analyser - A tool to analyse files from a forensic acquisition to find known/unknown hashes from hashlookup API or using a local Bloom filter.
--> IntelMQ - IntelMQ collects and processes security feeds
--> Kuiper - Digital Investigation Platform
--> Laika BOSS - Laika is an object scanner and intrusion detection system.
--> PowerForensics - PowerForensics is a framework for live disk forensic analysis
-->The Sleuth Kit - Tools for low level forensic analysis
--> turbinia - Turbinia is an open-source framework for deploying, managing, and running forensic workloads on cloud platforms.
--> IPED - Indexador e Processador de Evidências Digitais - Brazilian Federal Police Tool for Forensic Investigations.
--> Wombat Forensics - Forensic GUI tool

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